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Why do so many people invest in hearing aids and not wear them?

There are many blogs from hearing professionals, hearing aid providers and medical experts about how common hearing loss is — particularly how the number of us with hearing loss grows as we age. A study of adults by the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons journal confirms it, noting nearly all participants 80 and older had hearing loss.

To some extent, this is to be expected as age related hearing loss (presbyacusis) can happen at around our 50's, so it is clear that we naturally will have some deterioration as we age - just the same as our vision.

It was a different fact in the study, though, that caught our attention. Despite nearly 100 percent of the participants having hearing loss, only 59 percent wear hearing aids. Dr. Anil Lalwani, team leader of the study, highlighted this, saying “Hearing aids are vastly underused despite their great potential benefit.”

We see this on a regular basis - with hearing aids being kept in drawers or on bedside tables rather than being used to help them with all of the day-to-day situations they were bought for in the first place. It only takes one negative experience for someone to lose their confidence with the hearing aids, but this can be avoided with the right aftercare and rehabilitation.

At Noble and Reading Hearcare, we provide you with a clear rehabilitation plan and aftercare to ensure you get the care and attention you need whilst getting used to your new hearing aids. The added benefit of our service is that we have the most comfortable surroundings available to complete your appointments - your own home. We will complete the whole process, from the initial consultation right through to your aftercare wherever is most convenient to you - typically your home address. We believe this will only help the process of adapting to a new set of hearing aids, as you will be somewhere that is familiar and comforting with a number of sounds that make up the soundtrack of a typical day in your life.

Why not give us a call or book online to find out more about how we could help you.

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